Real wooden Kitchens

From the Saw mill to the household, behind the scenes of real wooden kitchen design

Humanity has come quite far from primitive cooking, today real wooden kitchens make life in the kitchen an effortless performance.

Let go back to the 1500’s where Britain expanded trade her trade routes and merchants began importing resources on a growing rate. Amongst imports was a new source of food and livestock that the country hadn’t seen before. Exotic fruits, spices and herbs came from far off lands, foreign cattle and crop were brought to breed and harvest thus expanding Britain’s inventory of ingredient that we know today. As well as food produce, new recipes and cooking methods came into the country slowly finding a place in the common home.

Trade created a widespread of wealth and Britain was on the rise. Over the year Kitchens became more grand and architectural style was adapted to to make periodic influence to kitchen design across the country.

"Happiness is a small house with a big Kitchen "

- Alfred Hitchcock
Natural kitchen finish

Raw material making its way into homes.

As well as food produce, raw material was imported to sustain demand for the country’s development. Making its way across four corners of the globe merchant imported all kinds of raw material that contributed to the progression of construction and interior development including your real wooden kitchens. Analysing the vast array of material, nothing comes closer to real wood, as its durable and stable properties make it a fundamental part of kitchen furniture.

A purpose for real wood in your home

With detailed character and longevity as a pillar for our kitchen furniture we select material that can promote the quality. Its a deserving match for the material itself and for our craft. Crafting is a part of the journey with kitchen design, materials are another. A real wooden kitchen is no small investment therefore we have considered material that harnesses matched value and endurance.

Using CAD to get a glimpse of your dream kitchen

Transforming real wood into 3-D kitchen Design Exceptional kitchen design is an understanding of client need, expression is the picture painted when all elements are gathered together, its your expression and it must feel right. With the use of modern technology we are able to paint your picture of desire and taste before we’ve even cut our first piece of timber. Like stars that guide a ship to a destination we use visual design to steer design on the right route.

Partnering with a reputable CAD software company, we have developed our own collection of cabinets to mimic the meticulous detail from the workshop and put them into accurate visual plansfor you to see.

Green wooden kitchen

How real wooden kitchens can be apart of modern living and still harness quality and style.

Technology is the bridge that carries humanity into the future and the future has certainly changed how things function around the kitchen, therefore we adapt our cabinetry to work alongside modern appliances. Real wooden kitchen plays a pivotal role by promoting modern behaviour in the kitchen and still maintaining traditional quality and humbled appeal without breaking up style and appearance.

We shine light on several aspects that gather for effective design.

  • Function: your kitchen is designed to work with you as part of a service.
  • Ergonomics: motion must be natural, everything effortlessly within reach.
  • Aesthetics: charming design that greets you on a daily basis.
  • Quality & Value: design that stands the test of time.

Let us promote these attributes in your home.

A purchase of today, an investment of the future. Create a warm, inviting atmosphere in your home with the authenticity of a real wooden kitchen

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123 East Barnet Road, New Barnet, EN4 8RF Google Maps

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